Dynamic Routing

Dynamic routes are useful for pages that only need client-side routing. For example pages that fetch info from an external API in production based on a segment in the URL.

File-based dynamic routes

Dynamic pages are used for client-side routing. Route parameters can be placed in file and directory names by wrapping the name in square brackets. For example:

  • src/pages/user/[id].vue becomes /user/:id.
  • src/pages/user/[id]/settings.vue becomes /user/:id/settings.

At build time, this will generate user/_id.html and user/_id/settings.html and you must have rewrite rules to make them work properly.

Pages with dynamic routes have lower priority than fixed routes. For example, if you have a /user/create and a /user/:id route, the /user/create route will be prioritized.

Here is a basic page component that uses the id parameter from the route to fetch user information on client-side:

  <div v-if="user">
    <h1>{{ user.name }}</h1>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      user: null
  async mounted() {
    const { id } = this.$route.params
    const response = await fetch(`https://api.example.com/user/${id}`)

    this.user = await response.json()

Always use the mounted hook to fetch client-side data. Fetching data in the created hook will cause issues because it is executed when generating static HTML.

Programmatic dynamic routes

Create pages with dynamic routes programmatically for more advanced paths. Dynamic parameters are specified by having a : in front of a segment. And each parameter can have a custom regular expression to match only digits or certain values.

module.exports = function (api) {
  api.createPages(({ createPage }) => {
      path: '/user/:id(\\d+)',
      component: './src/templates/User.vue'

Read more about the Pages API

Generating rewrite rules

Gridsome is not able to generate HTML files for every possible variation of a dynamic route which means the URLs most likely will show a 404 page when visited directly. Instead, Gridsome generates one HTML file which can be used in a rewrite rule. For example, a route like /user/:id will generate a HTML file located at /user/_id.html. You can have a rewrite rule to map all paths matching /user/:id to that file.

Rewrite rules must be generated manually because every server type has its own syntax. The redirects array in the afterBuild hook contains all necessary rewrite rules that should be generated.

const fs = require('fs')

module.exports = {
  afterBuild ({ redirects }) {
    for (const rule of redirects) {
      // rule.from   - The dynamic path
      // rule.to     - The HTML file path
      // rule.status - 200 if rewrite rule

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